Thursday November 10 , 2011
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The Amoral Left, Part II

As we continue this discussion of the amorality of the progressive movement in the country, we must include discussion of how this administration has circumvented the law and the Constitution by establishing over 40 "Czars" who have been charged with, among other things, ensuring support for administration positions by cooking the books.  The Czars are suspected of using taxpayer money to buy "academic" support for controversial legislation.  By coordinating responses to issues, the administration can create the perception that what they are suggesting is "mainstream" or "settled science" or "supported by rigorous studies."  Of course, none of what is being advanced is even close to what is mainstream, settled or otherwise researched.  By cooking the books and using taxpayer money to do it, this administration is conducting a nefarious, sinister propaganda campaign against the citizens they have sworn to protect.  One can do a lot of things in politics, but deceiving the American people is not one of them.  When the whole story of this is finally revealed, officials of this administration ought to be in jail.

Add to the propoganda campaign a similarly coordinated effort to subvert free and open elections.  ACORN and its spawn are still propagating around the country.   These willing individuals are joined by millions of union faithful who have been deceived to believe that this administration and Democrats in general are really interested in taking care of them.  Of course, the labor leaders in the country have deceived their rank and file the same as the administration has attempted to deceive the rest of us.  Fraudulent voter registration, illegal immigrant and convicted felon voting, and suppression of military voting have become common tactics of the progressives.  Because they cannot win in the field of ideas, they seek power by doing whatever it takes to win.  Again, the ends justify the means, as evil as those means may be.

What is perhaps most troubling about all of this is that the mainstream media has become a willing, though I would suggest unwitting, partner in furthering the progressive cause.  Not all reporters are bad, but a lot of them are lazy.  They refuse to do the investigations into all the anecdotal episodes that point to a coordinated effort to steal elections and suppress voting.  I wonder what it would take to wash the mud from their collective eyes.

American citizens need to be made aware of how they are being manipulated by the administration and their millions of foot soldiers marching to the socialist drum.  The more we get out to the public the better off we are going to be.  Tomorrow, I will talk about egalitarianism and the amorality of stealing from one group in society to ensure that the base of another group is expanded.  Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Progressives are bent on absolute power.  They must be stopped and educating the citizenry is the best way to do that.

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